L-DOPA Analysis Condition

System; HTEC-500/510 
Sample; Tissue Homogenate 
Column; Eicompak SC-5ODS 
Mobile Phase Condition; 15% MeOH 85% 0.1 M Citrate-Acetate Buffer pH2.6* 110 mg/l Sodium Octansulfonate** , 5 mg/l EDTA-2Na. (Dojin is recommended) 
Flow Rate; 500 µl/min 
Applied Potential; +750 mv vs Ag/AgCl 
Working Electrode; WE-3G with GS-25 gasket 
Analysis time, 29min 
L-DOPA retention time at 6 to 7 min. 
Order of Peak; MHPG, NE, E, L-DOPA, DOPAC, NM, DA, 5-HIAA, HVA, 3-MT, 5-HT 
Sample Prep: Please follow to the Application Manual of "Monoamine Analysis in Tissue Homogenate" 

*Dissolve 14.87 g Citric Acid Monohydrate (Sigma, C0706-500G) and 1.16 g Sodium Acetate Anhydrous (Sigma, S7545-500G) in 850 mL. This gives 0.1M Citrate-Acetate Buffer at pH2.6
**Use TCI or Nacalai, you can order from Amuza

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