Glutamate/GABA OPA Derivatization Autosampler Method Description

For Glu/GABA OPA Derivatization , please use the autosampler method AS700AminoAcidOPA.met for clarity. Attached is a method file with a 20 minute analysis (analysis time can be edited).

This method is used for OPA derivatization of amino acids. It picks up a 4 uL of OPA solution from the right side plate and dispenses it to the sample in the corresponding well of the plate on the left . Then, it mixes 4x and waits 2.5 mins before injecting by the EMP method. To use this method, place exactly 16uL of microdialysis sample or pH controlled homogenate sample in the left plate. If you have less than 16uL, please add solution to bring to 16uL. We do not have a specific recommendation for the diluent, but the carbonate buffer used to dilute OPA should work. On the right side plate, put at least 20uL of 4mM OPA solution in each well corresponding to the samples on the left side plate. In the sequence that uses this method, set injection volume to 10uL. Slightly more may be injected, but each sample well contains only 20uL of fluid at this point. You must leave safe margin to avoid injecting air or causing inconsistent results.

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